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Saturday, March 3, 2007

Bumps in the road at SMS, Bigcrumbs down?

Yesterday announced a lower payout limit, for the second time. It's now at $20, which I see as good. Meanwhile, the forums are full of complaints about the lower payrate, which indeed dropped drastically, and the search engine being out of order. I believe that both problems are temporary though, and the admin has confirmed that belief. I expect to see the payrate continue to rise back up as soon as the search engine is back up. Apparently the membership grew faster than expected, and the huge load soon crashed the servers. According to a post in the SMS forum by the admin, SlashMySearch is working on a custom data center which should greatly alleviate server problems. My advice would be to hang in there, I am sure that it will only get better from here.
On the positive side, the SlashMySearch member count is rapidly rising, it should have passed the 15,000 mark this morning. More members means more ad revenue, which in turn means a higher payrate. To quote the SMS Admin: "The payrate will not go lower. We see it only rising in the future....The rapid membership growth is bad for the short-term [because of the server load] but good for the long-term."
My SlashMySearch statistics:
Total Earnings:.........$3.60

What Happened to Bigcrumbs?

The website has been down since early yesterday morning. I have no idea what is going on, I just hope it's nothing serious. My earnings there were rapidly increasing, as was my downline. The last I was able to check my statistics were:
Total Referrals:..................140
My Earnings:......................$5.21
Referral Earnings...............$24.51
Total Earnings....................$29.72
Payouts: (2)........................$7.23
I'm just keeping my fingers crossed!

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